Gold Coast Geriatric Medicine & Geriatricians

Geriatrics is a sub-specialty of medicine that focuses on health care of the elderly. It aims to promote health, as well as prevent and treat diseases and disabilities in older adults.

Find local Geriatricians, or those who specialise in the medical care of older people in the Gold Coast Healthcare directory. Browse through the listings below for the services you need, or you can refine your search by location using the filter on the right hand side.

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Allied Heatlh Performance & Medical

Allied Heatlh Performance & Medical

Allied Health Performance & Medical is an innovative, technologically advanced Medical Centre designed to meet the needs of all patients. The Centre provides a wide range of se...
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GeriatricDr. Mohammed Khateeb, Internist and Geriatrician

Geriatric Care, Dementia, Memory, Mood and Behaviour related problems. ... Mental capacity and functional abilty review. ... Nursing Home and Aged Care Assessments. ... General /In...