Donna Murphy Paediatric Occupational Therapist

Donna Murphy, MS, BSc. (OT) Sensory Integration Certified (WPS/USC)

A very experienced and international Paediatric Occupational Therapist (clinician and academic), having worked in 9 countries on 4 continents. She uses a child and family centered approach and a team approach with any child's teachers, coaches or tutors.

Areas of difficulty that Donna can assist your child with include:

* Social Thinking/ Social Skills (small groups based on the work of Michelle Garcia Winner)

* Motor Skills; Motor Planning; Praxis Skills

* Sensory Processing Differences

* Attention and Self-Regulation

* Organization and Sequencing Skills

* Problem Concepts / Problem Solving

* Written Output: Pre-Writing, Conceptual or Motoric Skills

* Initiation and Sustained Effort on Tasks

* Visual Perceptual Skills

* Self-Help Skills

* General Development

* Behaviour

* Fussy/Picky Eaters

More details and map available on her website ( and CV available on request.