Dr Butterworth is a highly trained foot and ankle surgeon on the Gold Coast and Tweed. Dr Butterworth moved from Melbourne to the Gold Coast in 2011, with his wife and 3 children. Dr Butterworth completed his foot and ankle surgery fellowship in 2011 with the Australasian College of Podiatric Surgeons (ACPS). The ACPS is the national organisation responsible for the training and education of podiatric surgeons, including ongoing accreditation. The ACPS is committed to the advancement of knowledge in foot and ankle surgery, and endeavours to uphold the highest standards in foot and ankle surgical care by podiatric surgeons within the community.
During his fellowship, Dr Butterworth completed residencies at the Great Western Hospital in the UK and Dekalb Medical Centre in the USA, both renowned for their foot and ankle training programs. In 2015, Dr Butterworth was awarded with Fellowship of the Faculty of Podiatric Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, FFPM RCPS (Glasg).
Dr Butterworth is dedicated to research and is currently undertaking his PhD at La Trobe University, assessing the association between obesity and foot pain. A list of Dr Butterworth’s scientific publications and presentations are detailed on this site below.
Dr Butterworth’s specific expertise is in revision surgery for previously failed foot surgery and the surgical correction of common podiatric complaints such as: Bunions (hallux valgus), osteoarthritis of the great toe joint (hallux rigidus), hammertoe deformities, ankle sprains, Morton’s neuroma and plantar and posterior heel pain.